Right now: we're back in London working 9-5

29 April 2008

Bolivia, Potosi

Click here to view all Potosi photos
In it's day Potosi was larger and wealthier than London, but sadly it's fallen from grace over the years. As the worlds highest city at 4,824 meters, it's known for mining silver ore in the mountain that overlooks it. Depressingly, experts predict the mountain only has 7 years left to be mined. I recently found out that my Great Gandmother and step-Great Granddad moved from England to work the mines here in the 1930's, so it was interesting for me to see what they came here for. These days miners all work in co-operatives and foreign fuel companies buy direct from them. This way they keep themselves distanced from awful working conditions, the depositing of toxic waste, underage miners, shitty pay and zero investment in a town that will soon collapse. We stopped off at the local market to buy dynamite, fuses, drink, coco leaves and cigarettes for the workers before we entered the mines. On one hand it was a real experience to go 100 meters under ground in a working mine and afterwards blow up some dynamite. On the other hand it was really sad to see guys working in these rudimentary and dangerous mines. [Tom]

I really wanted to go down the mines too, but unfortunately was exploding in other ways as had come down with an awful tummy bug that whacked me out for a few days. Did manage to lock myself out my room in my pyjamas when going to get a bottle of water from the hostel cafe. Not the best day ever! Felt most sorry for myself. [Clare]

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